I was born in 1968 in Nijmegen. Koninkx is my maiden name that I continue to use for my work because I can also be found under that name as a jewelry designer in books about modern jewelry, museums and on the internet. I graduated as a jewelry designer from the HKU, Utrecht University of the Arts, in 1993. If you would like to know more about my history as a jewelry designer, click here.
I am married and live with my super husband and 2 super daughters in a village just outside Delft. In addition to being with the people I love, my hobbies are: making art, gardening, crocheting, reading, listening to podcasts, looking at art, cooking and eating delicious and enjoyable food and collecting images, pictures, souvenirs and materials anytime and anywhere. . Furthermore, I am 1.76 m tall, introverted, material freak and huge lover of color (fluorescent pink in particular), glitter, sunlight and flowers. You can catch me eating Cadillacs and yellow M&Ms. I have been alcohol-free since 2019. My favorite museum is Museum Voorlinden in Wassenaar. My favorite place is my studio and my favorite country is Ibiza. Later, when I grow up... I would like to have a second house there.

In 2016 I decided to follow my heart again and pick up the thread of my artistry again because I realized that it is a shame to let my talent lie and to make others rich without being a good performer myself. I am still not rich in the form of money, but I am rich in the form of personal development. Following my heart is the best thing that has happened to me and it keeps me going when life takes a turn for the worse. It makes me strong and gives me something to hold on to.
Instead of modern jewelry, I started making jewelry for the home in the shape of hearts often in combination with flowers. Hearts because hearts and flowers run like a common thread through my life. From an early age I have been drawing, making and wearing hearts and flowers. Due to the materials I use, the hearts are still related to jewelry and my 'handwriting' has also remained the same; it balances between art and kitsch.
Because it is nice to alternate and work with different materials/techniques, I have a wider range, including jewelry (although simpler) but also other pieces of art, little leather wallets and heart keychains. Hence the name HartenEnzo.
Finally, I have now added the heart prints and I am really happy with this. The hearts are extremely suitable for this and are perhaps easier to add to an interior in print form than the 3D hearts. The sharpness of the photo, the enlargement and the acrylic glass make the colours, details and materials very amazing.
The prints do not exist without these 3D hearts). They are very special works of art, made with love and all unique. I make one heart, the heart of red glass beads, over and over again. Never exactly the same, but with the same materials.
Everything you see from HartenEnZo was invented and created by myself. 

The work of HartenEnZo appeals to the inner child. The inner child is an important part of ourselves that is often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of adult life. By making art that speaks to this part, I hopefully create space for playfulness, imagination and wonder.
A galery owner once said, “You make jewelry for little girls.” That felt uncomfortable at the time, in my opinion it was wrong because I did make jewelry for adults. Now I understand it and if someone were to say it to me now I would take it as a compliment.


What is HartenEnZo?

HartenEnZo is an online store for unique, colorful and handmade art.

Exists since January 2016.

Creates art that makes you happy.

Makes art for the open mind.



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